This session will address setting realistic expectations for the current work of instructional designers in higher education, and offer a look at how these jobs are being advertised. The presenters recently conducted a review of entry level, instructional design job vacancy announcements from colleges and universities. This study revealed a list of common components, as well as a list of unusual requirements and emerging needs.
Objectives of this session include:
- Presentation of the job vacancy review results.
- Introduction of a basic template for instructional design job announcements, which includes: work tasks and functions, technology skills, administrative skills, and expectations for experience and education.
- Tips for hiring managers: What are the emerging needs of the instructional design field?
- Tips for students planning instructional design careers: What are higher education employers looking for? How can you prepare?
The presenters have professional backgrounds that range from directing large-scale online education and curriculum development projects to freelance instructional design and online teaching. They will share their experiences both hiring and working in this field, and ask for feedback from attendees.
- Melissa Venable,, SC, USA
- Amy Hilbelink, Laureate Education, FL, USA
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Hi! Thank you for your presentation!!! I have recently been accepted to an educational technology program and this presentation really helped me out. I am an entomologist with almost no background in instructional design or educational technology. Your presentation gave me a great overview of what skills I should be learning as well as what experiences I should look for. I know what I want to do with my degree, but I have no idea what other people do and this presentation really opened up my eyes to what opportunities are out there. I really appreciate you and your awesome presentation!!! Thank you again!