Taking the community of inquiry (CoI) model (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000) as a guide, this study describes how a newly hired instructor designed and delivered a Management Information Systems (MIS) course entirely online. In order to facilitate meaningful interactions between teacher and students, and students and students, four web platforms were integrated into the course: the Sakai-based CMS, the course website, Google+ community SNS, and Pearson’s MyITLab.
The MIS course is required for the undergraduate business major at the college. Sixty-two students started the course at the beginning of the semester, and fifty-seven successfully completed the course. Many students had not been familiar with Google+ and had never created a website before this class. Students’ feedback indicated that they felt using Google+ community and creating their own website clearly established their social presence – projecting oneself socially and emotionally as “real” people through the medium of communication used – in this online course. According to the CoI model, social presence is the critical component for an online course to be a success.
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