In workshop format, this session will proceed in stages from explanation and demonstration to active audience participation in creative exercises. We will begin with a simple introduction to pre-made virtual tours, encouraging attendees to visit and explore the sites as I am discussing them. Then, using audience input, we will visit both natural sites and reconstructed monuments in Google Earth and demonstrate the basics of creating a simple virtual tour. Utilizing screenshots and screen capture software, we will create our own virtual tour integrating the resources above along with homemade video or still images. The virtual tour is completed by adding voiceover narration, captions and animations to the tour. We then conclude with a discussion of how audience members could use virtual tours in their own classes.
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What a great way to bring places to life for grade 6 World History, 7- Pacific Islands/History of the Hawaiian Kingdom, 8 – US History. Some of my students have never been to Hana, even though theyʻve lived on Maui all their lives. Our state standards and benchmarks as well as Common Core standards fit right into the use of these tools; i use Camtasia (everyday) and will explore the tools you mentioned. My students use Google Maps and Google Earth throughout the Pacific Islands course since there is such limited information otherwise for Pacific Island studies. Mahalo!
What a cool hands-on presentation! Clayton walked us through HOW to create a virtual tour using Camtasia and Google Earth and also showed some beautiful existing virtual tours. My favorite tour was of St. Peter’s Basilica- the beautiful music and views were amazing!
I never knew the cool things you could with the downloaded version of Google Earth. I’ll definitely be playing with it a lot!